Today is:
21 Grudnia 2024
Name day:
Honoraty, Seweryny, Tomasza

Sposoby płatności

    Witamy na stronie WNiG

    Latest Issue of WNiG:

    October 2024r.

    Latest issue of Oil and Gas News:

    • Seismic interpretation of stratigraphic traps in the central part of the Rotliegend Basin – Golce High
      Seismic data acquired along the experimental profile AGH17511, which crosses the Golce High in the central part of the Mid-Polish Trough, revealed amplitude anomalies related to fluvial sandstone intercalation found within playa deposits, deep below the Zechstein base. The origin of these anomalies was explained using seismic stratigraphic modelling and a porosity model of the Upper Rotliegend deposits, obtained through seismic inversion. The analyses indicate the potential occurence of structural-stratigraphic traps in the southwestern marginal zone of the Golce High, where the reservoir rock is laterally sealed by Zechstein evaporites and top-sealed by playa claystones, as well as stratigraphic traps, associated with sandy lithosomes within the Drawa Formation deposits... dalej
    • Chemicals used in industries that carry out work with drilling fluids in the light of the changing business environment
      The end of 2020 and the first quarter of this year brought a gradual increase in the prices of raw materials chemical substances used in production. This is due to their limited availability, resulting from significantly increased demand in China, where the economy has started at full capacity. The disruption of supply chains as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the availability of containers that have found their way to different parts of the world. This, in turn, has resulted in a significant increase in the prices of maritime transport.
      The main driver of the increase in commodity prices was growing demand in Asia and Europe. China’s industrial production – which has partially coped with the COVID-19 pandemic – has started at full capacity, which is why the demand for raw materials has also increased rapidly.
      This, in turn, caused shortages in the market. Demand has exceeded supply, which implies price increases. Also, the factories producing raw materials at that time did not reach their full capacity, and as high uncertainty due to COVID-19 persisted, it was unclear when they would reach their maximum production and replenish supply... dalej




    Od kilkudziesięciu lat, działające w ramach Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT Towarzystwo Kultury i Historii Techniki, jest organizatorem konkursu NUMERUS PRIMUS INTER PARES.

    Z nieukrywaną satysfakcją (ale też z odrobiną miłego zaskoczenia) przyjęliśmy w Redakcji tegoroczny werdykt jury, obradującego pod kierunkiem prof. dr. hab. inż. Czesława Waszkiewicza – przyznającego numerowi 7/2020 Wiadomości Naftowych i Gazowniczych wyróżnienie NUMERUS PRIMUS INTER PARES na najlepszy numer czasopisma technicznego i specjalistycznego w 2020 roku.

    Uroczyste wręczenie nagród i wyróżnień konkursu NUMERUS PRIMUS INTER PARES odbyło się 22 września 2021 roku na gali finałowej Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu Młodych Innowatorów 2020/2021 połączonej z Olimpiadą Wiedzy Technicznej. Uroczystość miała miejsce w przepięknym Warszawskim Domu Technika NOT – zabytkowym budynku o neobarokowej i neorokokowej architekturze. Z rąk jury konkursu wyróżnienie dla Wiadomości Naftowych i Gazowniczych i ich wydawcy SITPNiG odebrał kolega Maciek Bednarek (na zdjęciu drugi z lewej).

    Redaktor Naczelny