Today is:
22 Lutego 2025
Name day:
Małgorzaty, Marty, Nikifora

Sposoby płatności

    Mgr Maciej Nowakowski

    Maciej Nowakowski, M.A. graduated from the Faculty of Geology at University of Warsaw in 1986, specializing in stratigraphic and prospecting geology. He also completed postgraduate studies in the Law and Administration School at the Faculty of Law at University of and at the Faculty of Marketing and Management at Warsaw School of Economics. In the years 1986-1991, he worked at the Institute of Glass and Ceramics in the Department of Natural Resources; in the years 1992-1998, he worked for the Minister of the Environment in the Department of Geology and Geological Concessions. Since 1998, he has been moving up the career ladder in PGNiG S.A., working currently as Head of the Field Exploration Bureau at the Field Exploration Department. He is an expert on OOŚ (environmental impact assessment) for the Minister of Environment and he holds state qualifications for members of supervisory boards of state stock companies.